
Keď sa ráno stalo dňom
rieka tiekla korytom
voda dlhá kričala, koryto si hľadala

Keď sa rieka stala dnom
obráteným korytom
voda malá z toho dna
keď sa rieky rozvodnia

Voda volá z toho dna
keď sa rieky rozzvonia
voda tečie z toho dna
rieka, keď je slobodná


Toto je text jednej mojej piesne, pre mňa osobne jednej z najdôležitejších. Až po tomto víkende konečne viem, čo to taká rieka je. Bola som na vode.

Mám modré kolená, spálené ruky a otvorené srdce.

Studená Vltava Šumava


In a morning becoming a day,
a river was flowing in its bed
Its water was screaming in its length,
seeking its bed

The river became its own bottom,
a reversed bed
water from the bottom – as petty as it was
just like a river overflows

The water is calling from the bottom
when the rivers are ringing

The water is flowing from the bottom
when the rivers are breaking free


These are lyrics of one of my songs – probably my dearest one. But only after this weekend I am well aware of what it means to be IN a river. I´ve been rafting.

My knees are blue, my arms burnt but my heart open.

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