LA VA sa valí do Prahy/LA VA in Prague

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Pre všetkých milovníkov rozkvitnutej Prahy (všetci na Petřín!) mám večerný program na 25. apríla, 20:00. Budeme s Tomášom Luskom ako LA VA hrať náš prevažne akustický repertoár na čítaní veľmi kvalitného on-line literárneho almanachu WAGON.

Vystúpia autori Richard Klíčník, Petr Kukal a Josef Straka. Ďalšie info na plagáte!

Tešíme sa.



For all those who would accidentally appear in Prague (in bloom!), my mini band LA VA is going to play a concert within a poetry reading of a very good quality online literary magazine WAGON.


PS: This is a musical RIDDLE. Who knows the name/artist of this song?

“He´s the one, he likes all our pretty songs and he likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun, but he don´t know what it means and I say Yeah.”

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3 Responses

  1. alika Says:

    meno zacina na K a priezvisko na C?
    ak je to spravne, co vyhravam? :))

  2. yvette Says:

    no vidis…a ja budem z mostikov Benatok pozerat na gondoly za 80 EUR :)

  3. yo Says:

    In Bloom! :)

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