Mar 14


Daniel Hevier – môj hostiteľ – na úvod svojho pravidelného programu Literárne Štvrtky spieva “zvučku”. A ja trocha nešikovne asistujem. Neskôr zápasím s neposlušnou gitarou, ktorá už mi žiaľ neladí.

Hosťa – ostravského (klo)básnika Ondřeja Janíka – som si, tak ako Daniel Hevier, pozvala aj ja. Spoločné čítanie básní bolo pre mňa najsilnejším momentom večera.

Ďakujem všetkým, ktorí prišli a svojou trpezlivosťou udržali príjemnú náladu akcie.


Daniel Hevier – my host – is a well-known Slovak poet and children book author as well as a part-time musician. He organizes a regular programme called Literary Thursdays of Daniel Hevier in a very nice café in one of the most beautiful parts of Bratislava. He invites different musicians, poets, philosophers etc. who often represent local fringe culture.

In the first photo you can see him singing a regular opening song and me trying hard to accompany. Later it´s me struggling with my guitar which just wouldn´t tune that night.

I invited a guest, too – a poet from Ostrava Ondřej Janík. Our common poetry reading was one of the best moments of the evening for me.

Thanks to all of you supporting me. Anywhere.

Jan 23

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